Flash Játékok

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Rinako House - Walkthrough

2008.04.03. 09:36 :: nem várt fordulat

1) Click pink carpet. Get green scroll container from left shelf. Click on right shelf and get coffee from second to last shelf.
2) Go back until you see the stairs. Go upstairs, and click on bookcase. Get red kettle and pencil from shelf below kettle’s shelf.
3) Go downstairs and click to the right of the door that’s facing you. You’ll see a cat. Click on the cat a couple of times and you’ll get a red key. Click on the highest box and it’ll fall to reveal a puzzle piece. Get puzzle piece. Open bottom door of cabinet to get sugar cubes.
4) Go back and use red key on door on the left. Go in, get puzzle piece from picture frame. Move right curtain to reveal milk. Click under table to get newspaper. Click under sofa to get scratch card.
5) Click right side to enter kitchen. Get cup near sink. Turn on water, put kettle under water. Put full kettle on stove. Get kettle when you see steam coming out. Click on green drawer near sink to get knife. Open the thing under note to get spoon. Open cupboard above sink to get third puzzle piece. Click on green scroll container, check the item, use knife to open it. Get paper, click on upper left area to turn paper around, get key.
6) Go back to living room. Put milk, coffee, cup, sugar cubes, spoon, and kettle on table. Click on cat and he’ll give you green key.
7) Go back to hallway, and click to place behind the stairs again. Use green key to open door.
8) Enter room, click on rack next to mirror. Get paint brush. Open left door, click on cat. Go back to previous room, click on second from bottom green door. Bug will come out. Use newspaper to kill it. If you don’t kill it the first time, go into a new door and back to try again. Sometimes the bug will come out of the bottom door of where the cat was standing. Cat will give you pink credit card. Go into shower room and turn on shower to steam up mirror if you want.
9) Click on blue box that was above cat. Use key to open box to get glue.
10) Go back to room with the mirror. If you turned on shower, picture of cat will appear. Click on door with sign to enter the toilet room. Click on card next to the two bottles near window to move card (need to click more than once). Get fourth puzzle piece. Click on cupboard door to get lead for pencil. Check item on pencil, click lead, and click pencil.
11) Go back to entrance. Click on pink rug, click on door on the left. Click on handle, it will fall off. Use glue to fix handle, open both doors to get umbrella and notepad.
12) Check notepad, use pencil on notepad to reveal four numbers 1425. Go back to place behind stairs with all the boxes. Click between vaccuum and left-most box. Use umbrella to get bronze thing. Check the scratch card, use bronze thing (coin) to scratch until you see four numbers (Different each time). Go back into kitchen, turn on the faucet and put paint brush under water.
13) Go upstairs, use pink credit card on door on the right. Input the four numbers from the scratch card and you’ll go in.
14) Click on window curtain multiple times to get last puzzle piece. Click on cat, click on puzzle pieces. Complete the puzzle, use brush on completed puzzle. Click on cat again, and he’ll reveal a secret button. Push button so color is blue.
15) Go back downstairs, and face the front door (where you had to fix cabinet). Click on vertical panel next to door. Click top button once, second button 4 times, third button twice, and bottom button 5 times (Numbers came from notepad). Click yellow bar.
16) A question will come up. Answer the question using Babelfish if you can’t read Japanese. NOTE: In my case, I had to answer the question in Japanese so you should translate your answer into Japanese, then paste it as the answer.
17) You’re out!

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Címkék: végigjátszás walkthrough

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